underwatour - on tour with my favorite band (part 2)
.. After finding out we got on the guest list for the concert in Paris, we obviously kinda freaked out a little bit before we went back into the car of my friends. Charlotte and I had to leave at about 6am to Brussels where we would have a day off before the concert there, so we decided to stay at her house for one night since she's from Belgium. So at 6am we said Goodbye to Dina and Aileen, already excited to see each other again in Paris and Charlotte and I took a day off at her house with a warm shower, Netflix and proper food.
March 14th - The Neighbourhood in Brussels
After oversleeping a little Charlotte and I left her house around 7:30am to get to Brussels and to the venue. We took the car till Ghent and then from there on the train to Brussels where we arrived around 9am; a little bit later than usually. We walked straight to the venue where they gave us the number 5 and 6 on our hands, so we could leave the venue to eat and stuff without having to worry about our places in line.
More and more people slowly arrived and the line was getting longer with each minute passing by. About an hour before we were let in everyone got up and stood in front of the door in the right order, even though Charlotte and I were by then some of the first 4 to get in.
When the doors opened we started running like crazy because we were the first ones to be let in and we wanted to get front row middle. But as we arrived inside of the venue we had to realize that some people who have barley been waiting went in through another entrance which was apparently opened too without anyone knowing. So we didnt get front row middle but front row on Zachs side, which was fine too since it was front row.
MOTHXR what made it feel like I was going to two concerts at one day. The opening act finished and the Crew started building up the stage for the nbhd. And then the lights went off and my 4th the nbhd concert of 2016 began.
They put on a great show and as always I had a lot of fun with the new people I met and the friends I made. We sang along to every song, laughed and screamed. We danced our hearts out and with each minute and song that passed by Charlotte and I got even more excited for the two upcoming concerts.
When the show ended we went to the Tourbus and just chilled with some people we met during the day in front of the venue until our last train back to Charlottes house left. That night we didn't sleep in the bus but in Charlottes house again since our bus left at 9 in the morning.
March 15th - The Neighbourhood in Utrecht
Our Bus to Utrecht left from Brussels at 9am, so we got up early, packed our things and continued our journey through Europe with our favorite Band.
We arrived in Utrecht around 3 1/2 hours later and immediately went to venue where we got numbers again. This time 7 and 8. But right when we arrived we noticed a different athmosphere. No one talked to each other and everyone just stayed in their group and only talked to other people when they needed stuff to roll their joints.
After a few hours we decided to get some food so I got Subways and Charlotte got KFC before we finished it and got more food because apparently you're always hungry while waiting for concerts.
The doors of the venue were pretty big what scared us that everyone would just run inside without anyone watching that we would get in in order or without hurting each other and that was exactly the case. The doors opened around 2 hours before the concert started and everyone just ran inside since there were no barriers to get us in in order, like in Germany. So we ran to where they wanted to scan our tickets and Charlotte and I lost each other. I just tried to get as far as I could into the front.
When I went into the hall I looked for Charlotte and screamed her name and when no one would reply I just tried to safe us front row places in case she wasn't in by then. So once again I stood in the front row on Zachs side since everyone who got in before me went straight to the middle. I then messaged Charlotte and found out she was first row on the other side but she came to me then because I always get lost. There were no barriers what means we were standing right next to the stage which was pretty weird because the stage was almost as high as me and short people barley hat a chance to see anything. But since I'm tall, I didnt mind.
When Jesse came on stage he was wearing his sunglasses, sweatpants with Chanel suspenders and a T-Shirt. He looked fabulous as always and immediately started the Show together with Zach, Mikey, Brandon and Jeremy. Jesse danced all over the stage and went crazy, he sang loud and clearly and once again made me realize that his voice in concert is way better than on the records. After the last song the Band walked off the stage and Charlotte and I had to catch our train to Paris for our last concert.
March 16th - The Neighbourhood in Paris
After a long night on the Bus we arrived Paris around 5:45am. It was still dark outside and I got goosebumps immediately after leaving the bus. It was freezing, I was tired and exhausted from sleeping on the bus for only a few hours the last few days. We got off the bus and everything was still closed. No shops or bars were opened and no one was outside on the street. Charlotte and I didn't know what to do, so we just walked around Paris trying to find a place that is open. After like20 minutes of walking we found the Arc de Triomphe and with it finally a place we recognized. So we sat down and enjoyed the free wifi while waiting for Dina and Aileen to arrive, who arrived about 1 1/2 hour later than us.
Our first stop was the Arc de Triomphe, this time all four together. We took some typical tourist photos in front of it and got our first beer out. German beer of course. Cheers on a concert in Paris! After taking pictures there we decided to find the Eiffel Tower and take crew photos there. So we started walking into any kinda direction until we saw the Tower and when we arrived we realized that it isn't as beautiful as we imagined it to be. But anyways, we walked through the Park and started to take pictures. All kind of pictures; selfies, photos with a selfie stick, group pictures, pictures on our own - we just couldn't get enough of it.
When Zach liked that picture we decided to immediately go back to the Eiffel Tower and then start going into the direction of the venue since it was about 1 hour and a half away from where we were. We went to the Eiffel Tower and then to the venue passing by some other famous buildings in Paris. It took us about 2 hours instead for 1 1/2 to get to the venue because we stopped at a supermarket to get more food and wine and we were also just really slow walkers. Around noon we arrived at the venue und shortly checked on the line before we went to Starbucks to chill until like an hour before the doors opened.
When the doors opened we got in line in the front and then went to pick up our tickets what took a little because the venue still hadn't gotten the guest list of the band. After we finally got out tickets we went in. Dina and Aileen went up like two stairs to the side and Charlotte and I stood on the side of Zach again somewhere between first and second row.
I must say, we didn't make a lot of friends in Paris but the crowd was the best crowd of the six concerts I went to. They went crazy, jumped up and down and cheered along to the music whether it was MOTHXR or The NBHD. Everyone had fun, the floor was shaking and I got lost in the echos of the crowd singing along. The Band has also been in a really good mood what made the show even better. The Show ended around 10:15pm what is a usual time for the nbhd to go off the stage. After the Show I got two guitar picks from the Guitar Tech Jon, for being so hardcore on the Tour and it was probably one of the most amazing moments I had on the Tour because I have always wanted to get guitar picks as a memory but I never managed to catch some. The four of us went outside to buy some water for the way home but also for the rest of the night since Charlottes and my bus left at 8am and we didn't have a place to stay at.
When we came back we immediately sat down on the floor until the Tour Manager came out. We decided to thank him for the Tour and everything he has done for us during the Tour. For not only putting us on the guest list but also for being so kind and loving and treating us like usual people and not like crazy Fans. We went up to hi and he asked us how the show was and we told him that it was one of the best shows we had ever seen of the band and that it was a perfect wa to end the Tour for us. He thanked us too and said it was amazing to have us on the Tour.
My ride home took me about 20 hours because my second bus had a delay but the whole Tour was more than worth all the struggle and now I'm just waiting for summer to come so I can see my favorite band again with Charlotte, Dina and Aileen.
Next time we're gonna do the whole Tour together and go by car instead of busses, so we're more flexible. Until then I'll just go to other concerts and save up money to see my favorite Band for a whole month straight on their next Tour.
Up next: The 1975 in Hamburg on the 2nd of April.
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